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Неандерталец (Homo neanderthalensis)


Dederiyeh Neanderthal

Grottes et Art Rupestre (коллекция ссылок)

Grotte préhistorique Scladina 

In Search of Neanderthals


Laboratoire du Lazaret

La grotte de Spy

Mousterian (Neanderthal) Sites

Neanderthal Flute

Neanderthal Museum

Neanderthal Man - Wikipedia

Neanderthals on Trial


Гусейнов Э. Почему погибло первое человечество? 

Клещенко Е. Гены брата

Максимов Н. Неандерталец с Кавказа. Загадки проясняются

Николаев Г. Загадка возрастом в 30 000 лет

Нудельман Р. Как погибли неандертальцы

Пахневич А. (2005). Конкуренты из Неандерталя

Akazawa Т., Aoki К., Bar-Yosef О. (1998). Neanderthals and Modern Humans in Western Asia

Cuozzo J.W. (1994). Neandertal children's fossils

Dennen J.M.G. The Continuing Story of Neanderthal Man

Dibble H.L. (2003). The Middle Paleolithic: Adaptation, Behavior, and Variability

Dibble H.L., Lenoir M. (1995). The Middle Paleolithic site of Combe-Capelle Bas (France)

Finlayson C. (2004). Neanderthals and modern humans: an ecological and

Harvati К., Harrison Т. (2006). Neanderthals Revisited: New Approaches and Perspectives

Hovers E., Kuhn S. (2005). Transitions Before the Transition: Evolution and Stability in the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age

Husemann D. (2005). Die Neandertaler: Genies der Eiszeit

Mellars P. (1996). The Neanderthal Legacy: An Archaeological Perspective from Western Europe

Olszewski D., Dibble H.L. (1993). The Paleolithic prehistory of the Zagros-Taurus

Pierre Y.L. (2007). Neandertals: A Prehistoric Puzzle

Sawyer G.J., Maley B. (2005). Neanderthal Reconstructed

Schrenk F., Müller S. (2005). The Neanderthals (Peoples of the Ancient World)

Stewart J.R. (2007). Neanderthal extinction as part of the faunal change in Europe during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3

Tattersall L. (1999). Neandertaler: Der Streit um unsere ahnen

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